Tuesday, 5 July 2011

UD Remote Keylogger To Hack Gmail, Facebook Account Password (v2.0)

FUD keylogger is the one we all want. But when ever I give any Keylogger it got arrested by most of the Anti-spywares and Anti-virus. Previously I posted one UD keylogger and again its got detected in 4 days only. So again I am going to share the same keylogger's updated FUD keylogger

Hack Facebook Accounts , Hack Gmail Account With FUD Keylogger

Here I am going to present a New Remote Keylogger which has the power to hack facebook accounts and Hack Gmail Accounts to record all the key strokes typed

Features Of New UD Remote Keylogger :

  • UD - 1/33
  • You Can Use Gmail Account to get the logs
  • Add To Start Up also included
  • It also Kills Task Manager
  • Automatically Hides the virus after infecting the victim
  • Also Disables Registry Editing
  • Stops victim From Ending Your Keylogger's Process
  • New Icon Changer
  • File Binder
  • With Fake Error Message
  • Includes Time Interval

How To Use This Remote Keylogger for Hacking Of Facebook Accounts

- Download The Remote UD Keylogger and extract the folder to desktop
- Open the Remote keylogger and enter new created Gmail account username and password
- Select the other settings as you need and donot forget to change Time Interval to 2 min
- If you want then use Icon changer, File Binder, etc and then click on Build Server
- Now upload this keylogger to file sharing sites like megaupload.com , mediafire.com
- Now send Server to victim by any mean and when he/she will click on server, he will be hacked
- Now you will get the victim typed keystroke which also includes Hack Facebook Account Password
- You can hack any account by this Remote Keylogger

So you are done, I am sure that you will enjoy this Remote Keylogger and if you have any problem then please do comment and share your problem. I am always ready to help you all.

Incoming search terms:-
  • Hack Gmail Account
  • Hacking of facebook account
  • Hack gmail account
  • Hack Gmail account password
  • Hack facebook account online

SQL injection Hack tool for hacking websites and database

Safe3SI is one of the most powerful and easy usage penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers. It comes with a kick-ass detection engine, many niche features for the ultimate penetration tester and a broad range of switches lasting from database fingerprinting, over data fetching from the database, to accessing the underlying file system and executing commands on the operating system via out-of-band connections.

how to hack websites using SQL injection, SQL Hack tool


  • Full support for http, https website.
  • Full support for Basic, Digest, NTLM http authentications.
  • Full support for GET, Post, Cookie sql injection.
  • Full support for MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, SQLite, Firebird, Sybase and SAP MaxDB database management systems.
  • Full support for four SQL injection techniques: blind, error-based, UNION query and force guess.
  • Powerful AI engine to automatic recognize injection type, database type, sql injection best way.
  • Support to enumerate databases, tables, columns and data.
  • Support to read,list and write any file from the database server underlying file system when the database software is MySQL or Microsoft SQL Server.
  • Support to execute arbitrary commands and retrieve their standard output on the database server underlying operating system when the database software is Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server.
  • Support to ip domain query,web path guess,md5 crack etc.
  • Support for sql injection scan.


Denial Of Service Attack

Its Real,On February 6th, 2000, Yahoo portal was shut down for 3 hours. Then retailer Buy.com Inc. (BUYX) was hit the next day, hours after going public. By that evening, eBay (EBAY), Amazon.com (AMZN), and CNN (TWX) had gone dark. And in the morning, the mayhem continued with online broker E*Trade (EGRP) and others having traffic to their sites virtually choked off.
What is a Denial Of Service Attack?

  • A denial of service attack (DOS) is an attack through which a person can render a system unusable or significantly slow down the system for legitimate users by overloading the resources, so that no one can access it.
  • If an attacker is unable to gain access to a machine, the attacker most probably will just crash the machine to accomplish a denial of service attack.
Types of denial of service attacks
There are several general categories of DoS attacks.Popularly, the attacks are divided into three classes:
  • bandwidth attacks,
  • protocol attacks, and
  • logic attacks
What is Distributed Denial of Service Attack?
  • An attacker launches the attack using several machines. In this case, an attacker breaks into several machines, or coordinates with several zombies to launch an attack against a target or network at the same time.
  • This makes it difficult to detect because attacks originate from several IP addresses.
  • If a single IP address is attacking a company, it can block that address at its firewall. If it is 30000 this is extremely difficult.

Port Scanner in C (with Translation of Functions)


#include                                             //standard library function
#include                                      //for socket n networking functions
#include                                     //for socket function
#include                                      //for networking
#include                                          //for database......... not required........ here
#include                                            //stad library function hope u guys know abt this

/* Main programs starts*/
int main(int argc, char **argv)                                   //argc
   int   sd;         //socket descriptor
   int    port;         //port number
   int   start;         //start port
   int    end;         //end port
   int    rval;         //socket descriptor for connect
   char    response[1024];      //to receive data
   char   *message="shell";       //data to send
   struct hostent *hostaddr;   //To be used for IPaddress
   struct sockaddr_in servaddr;   //socket structure

   if (argc < 4 )
      printf("------Created By www.Softhardware.co.uk-----------\n");
      printf("Usage: ./tscan \n");
      return (EINVAL);
   start = atoi(argv[2]);                                                           //Takes the starting port number to scan from
   end   = atoi(argv[3]);                                                          // FOr last port number that has to be scanned

   for (port=start; port<=end; port++)

         //portno is ascii to int second argument

   sd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); //created the tcp socket // PF_INET==family name AF_INET can also be used, SOCK_STREAM is how data bytes have to be sent, IPPRPTP_TCP== which protocol to follow, UDP or TCP

   if (sd == -1) // THis fucntion checks for the socket creation, if socket is created successful then continue else....                         print error
     return (errno);

   memset( &servaddr, 0, sizeof(servaddr));

   servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;  //FAMILY NAME
   servaddr.sin_port = htons(port); //set the portno

   hostaddr = gethostbyname( argv[1] ); //get the ip 1st argument

   memcpy(&servaddr.sin_addr, hostaddr->h_addr, hostaddr->h_length);

   //below connects to the specified ip in hostaddr

   rval = connect(sd, (struct sockaddr *) &servaddr, sizeof(servaddr));
   if (rval == -1)
   printf("Port %d is closed\n", port);
   printf("Port %d is open\n",port);

   close(sd);         //socket descriptor


[for unix platform]

C Tutorial Chapter 2

Hello friends i hope you read my previous tut on basics of C, if you haven’t than please first read it Smiley

In this tut we will learn about :

  • Instructions in C
  • Assignment Operators
  • Type Conversion
  • Operator Precedence in C
  • Data Types in Detail

So lets start Wink

In our previous C tut we had seen different types of constants, variables and keywords. Before discussing anything else let me first tell you about primary datatypes in C.
The Primary Datatypes in C are :
A.   int : it represents whole numbers within the range -32768 to +32767
B.   float : it represents real numbers within the range -3.4e38 to +3.4e38
C.   char : it represents all valid ASCII characters
2.1 Instructions in C

The next logical step is to learn how constants, keywords, variables and datatypes are combined to form instructions. There are basically four types of instructions in C.
2.1.1   Type Declaration Instruction2.1.2   Arithmetic Instruction2.1.3   Input/Output Instruction2.1.4   Control Instruction

Now in this chapter we will discuss only Type Declaration Instruction and Arithmetic Instruction as it is part of every C program. We will dealt with other two types in relevant chapters Wink
2.1.1 Type Declaration Instruction

This instruction is used to declare the type of variables used in C program. Any variables used in
the program must be declared before using it in any statement. The type declaration is usually written at the beginning of the program.

Examples :

int ivar ;      /* declares a variable ivar of type int */

float ah_rocks   /* declares a variable ah_rocks of type float */

char ah      /* declares a variable ah of type char */
2.1.2 Arithmetic Instructions

Arithmetic Instructions are combination of variables operators (described next) and constants.

Here is a simple program which covers both the instructions discussed above.

/ * A program explaining arithmetic instruction and type declaration instruction */

void main()
int x;   /* Variable Declaration */
float y; /* Variable Declaration */

x=20;  /*  Assigning a constant value of 20 to variable x using assignment operator ‘=’ */

y = x+3.14; /* Combination of variables, operators (=,+) and constants */

printf(“The Value obtained is : “);
printf(“%f”, y); /* Read Note */
} /* Program end */

Output is :

The Value obtained is : 23.14

Note :

%f :  is called as format specifier and it is used with pritnf() to display float values
%d : is used with printf() to display integer values
%c : is used to display character values
P.S : We will deal with format specifier in detail in coming chapters Smiley so don’t worry Wink


2.2 Operators

Operators in C are classified into

Assignment Operator
Arithmetic Operator
Relational Operator
Logical Operator
2.2.1 Assignment Operator

The assignment operator is a single equal sign(=).
This operator is used to assign values to variables.

Example :

int x; /* declares a variable x of type int */
x=30 /*assigns a constant value of 30 to x */
2.2.2 Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used in mathematical expressions (arithmetic instructions). Just as they are used in algebra.

The following table lists the arithmetic operators:

Sr. NoOperatorDescriptionType
1+AdditionUnary Binary
2-SubtractionUnary Binary
8+=Addition AssignmentBinary
9-=Subtraction AssignmentBinary
10*=Multiplication AssignmentBinary
11/=Division Assignment   Binary
12%=Modulus AssignmentBinary

Note :

a.) Unary operators are the operators which perform operations on one operand.
b.) Binary operators are the operators which perform operation on two operands.
c.) Ternary operators are the operators which perform operations on three operands. The Basic Arithmetic Operators (+,-,/,*)

The Basic Arithmetic Operators (+,-,/,*) all behave as you would expect for all
Data types.

/* Program explaining basic arithmetic operators */

void main()
int x,y; /* multiple variable declaration */
int addresult,subresult,divresult,mulresult; /* multiple variable declaration */
x=100; /* assignment */
y=25; /* assignment */
addresult = x + y;
subresult = x-y;
mulresult = x* y;
divresult = x/y;

printf(“Addition Result : %d \n”,addresult); / * see we use %d to print integer so it means here where we wrote %d we want a integer and to tell compiler which result we want at the place of %d we write the int we already declared here in this case addresult */
printf(“Subtraction Result %d \n”,subresult);
printf(“Multiplication Result %d \n”,muresult);
pritnf(“Division Result %d \n”,divresult);

Output :

Addition Result : 125
Subtraction Result : 75
Multiplication Result : 2500
Division Result : 4

Note : ‘\n’ is called an escape sequence and it is generally used to add a line after displaying. The Modulus Operator (%)

The operator returns remainder of the division operation.
It can only be applied to integer data type.

/* program showing the use of modulus operator */

void main()
int x,y,mod_result;
printf(“The result of modulus operation is %d”, mod_result);

Output :

The result of modulus operation is 2 Arithmetic Assignment Operators (+=, -=, /=, %=)

C provides special operators that can be used to combine an arithmetic operation with an assignment operator. Consider a statement x=x+4, now the same statement can be written as x+=4. Both of them adds 4 to the variable x.

Example :

A-=1           /* same as a=a-1 */
y*=4           /* same as y=y*4 */
z%=10   /* same as z=z%10 */

/* program explaining arithmetic assignment operators */

void main()
int a,s,m,d,mod;
printf(“Value of a=a+10 is %d \n”,a);
printf(“Value of s=s-5 is %d \n”,s);
printf(“Value of m=m*3 is %d \n”,m);
printf(“Value of d=d/10 is %d \n”,d);
printf(“Value of mod=mod%10 is %d \n”,mod);

Output :

Value of a=a+10 is 20
Value of s=s-5 is 15
Value of m=m*3 is 90
Value of d=d/10 is 4
Value of mod=mod%10 is 5

Note : The Arithmetic assignment operators not only save you a bit of typing but also it is implemented more efficiently. Increment and Decrement Operators

The ++ amd – are the increment and decrement operators of C. The increment operator increases its operand by
one and only one and the decrement operator decreases its operand by one and only one.

In the prefix form, the operand is incremented (or decremented) before the value is obtained for the use in the expression. In the postfix form, the previous value is obtained for the use in the expression and the operand is modified.

Example :


In this case y is set to 43, because the increment occurs
before x is assigned to y.
Thus y=++x is equivalent to

However, when written like this,

The value of x is obtained before the increment operator is executed, so the value of y is
In this case y=x++ is equivalent to


/* program demonstrating the increment operator */

void main()
int a=1;
printf(“a=%d \n”,a);
printf(“a=%d \n”,a++);
printf(“a=%d \n”,++a);
printf(“a=%d \n”,++a);
printf(“a=%d \n”,a++);
printf(“a=%d \n”,a);

Output :


Note : The decrement operator works in the same manner.


This is not the full chapter 2 i am lil busy will post the rest part in 1-2 days Smiley

please give your suggestions and try to correct me if i am somewhere wrong Smiley


Tutorials [C,C++ coding]

Tutorials about C++

C++ Annotations (moving from C to C++)

DevCentral tutorials for C and C++

C++ tutorials for Windows 32, how to do without MFC, getting the compiler
to do the hard work of avoiding memory leaks, games, frequency analysis etc

... interactive guide to C++ ... written with Pascal users in mind

Coronado enterprises tutorials (formerly Gordon Dodrill's)
You can see sample chapters, but are charged for the full tutorials

Guru of the week - ie discussion papers on using C++

Tutorials etc on Borland's CBuilder

Tutorial on the STL by Phil Ottewell.
He has also got a tutorial on C for Fortran users

Notes for a university lecture course, but
maybe there is enough here for independent study.

Note on pointers - perhaps more oriented towards C than C++.

Very simple C under DOS or MS-windows. Not much C++;
possibly useful to someone interested in programming
MS-windows without MFC etc.

Weekly newsletter on C++ and other things: aimed at helping new
and intermediate programmers improve their coding skills.

http://www.informit.com - a site run by Macmillan USA containing a lot
of information including the several well-known C++ books for
free download - if you are prepared to supply name and email address

C++ in 21 days - 2nd edition

A variety of C++ books on line (Macmillian, Sams, Wiley, IDG etc)
You can see the tables of contents, but you will have to have a
subscription to read the books themselves after a free trial.

Elementary introduction to C++ (mostly the C subset)

How to use function-pointers in C and C++, callbacks, functors

Short C++ tutorial, aimed at people who already have
experience with an object-oriented programming language

Articles about Win32, C++, MFC articles using VC++ compiler.

Hope you enjoy

How to make your own 100% FUD crypter with C++

Thanks To  

This tutorial is strictly for educational purposes only, I am not responsible for any of the action you may take upon others. Please, Don't abuse this tutorial, Use it wisely.
I'm not going to explain a completely new method of how executables can be made FUD. I guess most of the public available crypters do it similarly. But the problem with those crypters is that they get detected very soon after they were published. So I figured out a way to write my own crypter in C++. In this tutorial I'm going to explain how you can implement your own crypter and how you can play around with the code to get your exe FUD again if it gets detected some day.

Maybe these ideas are not new to you and someone else posted them already here somewhere. In this case please let me know.

I tested it with two RATs:

- Poison Ivy server (v2.3.2)
- Cybergate server (v1.07.5) (Hint: "Compress with UPX" must be disabled)
(other tools might also work with this technique, just test with your exe)

The system is a Windows XP SP3 machine.
I don't know if this also works for Vista and 7. Maybe someone can try?

Server size:

- Poison Ivy: 10KB (before), 46KB (after)
- Cybergate: 290KB (before), 327KB (after)

Antivirus (AV) detection:

[Image: o3ju6s4dnzrfcyul0m.png]

!!Important!! If you want to test your crypted exe with online AVs, do it only here (http://scanner2.novirusthanks.org/) and don't forget to check the checkbox "Do not distribute the sample"! Otherwise your exe will be distributed to the AV companies so they can exermine it and update their virus databases.

So let's get started!


1. Stuff you need
2. Implement the Encrypter
3. Implement the Stub (Decrypter)
4. Bind your encrypted exe with the Stub
5. Play around with code to get your exe to be FUD again

1. Stuff you need

- Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2010: http://www.microsoft.com/express/Downloads (the Express edition it is free)
- Resource Hacker: http://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker
- my implementations of the Encrypter and the Stub (Visual Studio projects): http://www.mediafire.com/?uvst74qimxjvoi1

2. Implement the Encrypter

Open the Visual Studio project "MyEncrypter" by double clicking on "MyEncrypter.sln" (see "1. Stuff you need" for a download link). It should look like this (sorry, I have the german version of Visual Studio):

[Image: thd1654atudx28x1luu.png]

(for all of you C++ pros out there: I know my code can be optimized. I'm not used to C++ coding, so please be lenient... this is for educational purpose, not for max performance)

The Encrypter is a console application. You need it to encrypt your exe, so AVs are not able to find pattern matches. The encryption algorithm I used is the AES algorithm.

These are the steps the Encrypter takes:
1. open a given binary file
2. encrypt the data with an AES key (you may change this key as you like)
3. write the encrypted data to an output file
(try to understand what the C++ code does!)

Compile the Visual Studio project by pressing F7. Now you have got your Encrypter application "MyEncrypter.exe" in the project output directory.

[Image: yppwmgjsm4y76bn9w0u.png]

The binary file to encrypt is passed to the Encrypter as the first parameter (e.g. "MyEncrypter.exe server_to_encrypt.exe"). Either you do this by typing the command at the Win command prompt or you can also drag "server_to_encrypt.exe" onto "MyEncrypter.exe".

If the Encrypter runs successfully a file called "encrypted.dat" will be generated in the same directory as the Encrypter. This encrypted file should have exact the same size as the unencrypted file.

[Image: kbu0gmeyhefpytvedw1s.png]

This was the easy part of the tut ;) Now let's move on to the Stub.

3. Implement the Stub (Decrypter)

A Stub is the part of an exe, that is responsible for decrypting the rest of the exe on runtime and to run the decrypted code in memory. This way AVs which do only support a static code analysis (most of the AVs) do not have the chance to detect your exe. Only AVs which support dynamic code analysis are still able to detect it. But the dynamic analysis is very resource intensive so AVs running on normal end user computers don't support it.

Open the Visual Studio project "MyStub" by double clicking on "MyStub.sln" (see "1. Stuff you need" for a download link). It should look like this:

[Image: 3llkv7ffrz5cbh1upxo.png]

The Stub is a Win32 application. It decrypts the binary data found in the resource of the exe. At the time of decryption, all parts of the exe is loaded into memory and is therefore invisible for the AVs. As we used the AES for encryption we need the same algorithm and the same AES key again for decryption. These are the steps the Stub takes:
1. search for the resource with the type "BIN" and the name "132" (you may change this as you like but remember what you put in here. We need it later again! Also don't use the name "0")
2. copy the encrypted resource data to the heap
3. decrypt data
4. run decrypted code (your exe) inside memory
(try to understand what the C++ code does!)

With these steps I was able to trick 15 from 16 AVs. Only the AV "VBA32" managed to get through the AES decryption. But the VBA32 also does only support a static code analysis (at least the online scanner provided with novirusthanks.org) so I came up with the idea to include the system time to get the correct AES key. If the system time is ignored (which is the case in static analysis), a wrong key is used to decrypt the data and VBA32 doesn't find anything. This step comes right before step 3 (AES decryption).

This is the main idea:

1. take system time
2. sleep for 2 seconds
3. take system time again
4. compare system times. If more then one second has passed, then take the correct key value, otherwise take a wrong key value.

When VBA32 traces the code, it ignores the sleep statement and therefore takes the wrong key value. So now all 16 AVs are tricked.

Compile the Visual Studio project by pressing F7 (make sure that the Release profile is active).

[Image: 63fd5tf8flgvs8w9xkhu.png]

Now you have got your Stub application "MyStub.exe" in the project output directory.

[Image: kt0riu1xavki4q8ef9uq.png]

Okay, now we have our Stub compiled but no resource (encrypted data) attached to it. Unfortunatelly the Express version of Visual Studio does not allow us to add resources to our project. So we have to find another way to accomplish this. The tool Resource Hacker (see "1. Stuff you need" for a download link) will help us out of this misery.

4. Bind your encrypted exe with the Stub

Start the tool Resource Hacker and open "MyStub.exe" you just compiled in step 3. It should look like this:

[Image: x1pt4ccb75bild2ykvnh.png]

Now navigate to "Action" -> "Add new Resource" and open your encrypted file "encrypted.dat" from step 2. As Resource Type fill in "BIN" and as Resource Name fill in "132". Important: these identifiers must match exactly what you coded into your MyStub.exe (MyStub.cpp) from step 3. If you have changed them you have to insert the correct values here too.

[Image: thvcelggsf76oamued2w.png]

Click on "Add Resource". Now your resource tree should look like this:

[Image: cidnyqklr7jlvzk71n73.png]

Save your Stub with "File" -> "Save as" as a new application, e.g. "fud_server.exe" (the exe size should be the size of MyStub.exe + the size of encrypted.dat). Now your Stub is complete.
As a result you now have a crypted and working exe which is FUD (at the time of writing this tut).

Remeber: the stub exe will sleep 2 seconds at the beginning in order to get the correct decryption key.

5. Play around with code to get your exe to be FUD again

The more people trying to get their exe FUD with the ideas of this tutorial, the more likely the AVs have already developed a new recognition pattern to detect this kind of crypter. I gave you the source code, so you have the power and possibility to modify the code. I would say there are at least 4 places you can edit, modify, replace code. As menshioned above many AVs do only support static code analysis and that means when you manage to reorganise your Stub in some ways, it is FUD again because the pattern recognition of the AVs won't work anymore. So here come some ideas:

1. Change the encryption algorithm. There are many other algorithms out there like Blowfish, RC6, T-DES, ... you just need to search for C++ implementations at google.

2. Modify the sleep statement trick (see step 3). I guess this is an easy finding for AVs so be creative and find other tricks that can distinguish between real execution and code analysis.
3. Change the way, how the resource (encrypted data) is handled. Maybe there are other ways to embed a resource inside an exe.
4. Change the way, how the decrypted code is executed in memory. I think the way I have implemented right now is also an easy finding for AVs.

How to make a Keygen with C++ [and a bit of C# & VB]

Keygen Tutorial


1. Download & Install Microsoft Visual C++ Express (2008 - 2010)
[Get the trial off microsoft official website and to keep it for more than 30 days, delete the registration folder in regedit]

2. Start a new project, name it, and select "Windows Forms Application".

3. Select the size of your keygen form and then right click it, properties and on FormBorderStyle, select None.
[This is used to remove the titlebar and windows margins.

4. A little bit below, turn "Maximise/Minimise Box" and "Control Box" to false. Topmost must be true if you want your keygen to always stay on top of other windows.
[Other options such as "Show icon/Show in taskbar" are self explainatory, so set to false if you wish]

5. Now you can start designing your keygen. Either make a "Background Image" on your form1 or from the "toolbox" {look for a hammer icon above} add a "PictureBox". To add an image, click the arrow above the dragged box and "Choose Image", then once selected you can stretch it.

6. You can add labels for text, a progress bar... buttons, text box [this will have your generated serial] and so on, use your imagination.

7. Everything you add pretty much has a "Properties" option which like Form1, you can edit stuff in it.

8. To add music to your keygen, you have two methods. There will be a bit of C# or Visual Basic here but it's easy enough. For implemented music, check this out http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/...S.85).aspx
If you want to skip this, then make a WebBrowser control, make it small and invisible. Put the url to a youtube website or whatever has music to it and it will begin automatically.

9. Animations are simply added by using a .gif file in your picture box instead of a bitmap/jpg.

10. To make your buttons work, just make an event (double click button until you are taken to the code).
Now there are a few paths you can take for this to generate serials. Let's assume this is the [ Generate ] button.

The way I know so far is below: [You MUST have a "TextBox" so that the below will get generated in it visually]

private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
int number;
number = (rand()%7)+1;

if (number == 1)
this->richTextBox1->Text = L"XXXX - XXXX - XXXX - XXXX - XXXX";
if (number == 2)
this->richTextBox1->Text = L"XXXX - XXXX - XXXX - XXXX - XXXX";
if (number == 3)
this->richTextBox1->Text = L"XXXX - XXXX - XXXX - XXXX - XXXX";
if (number == 4)
this->richTextBox1->Text = L"XXXX - XXXX - XXXX - XXXX - XXXX";
if (number == 5)
this->richTextBox1->Text = L"XXXX - XXXX - XXXX - XXXX - XXXX";
if (number == 6)
this->richTextBox1->Text = L"XXXX - XXXX - XXXX - XXXX - XXXX";
if (number == 7)
this->richTextBox1->Text = L"XXXX - XXXX - XXXX - XXXX - XXXX";

This just makes a variable generate on random from 1 - 7 and each one will have a specific serial.
The code above requires two headers for the script to work :

11. Now that you don't have a control or titlebar, it's most likely you must have a way to exit the application. Use this->Close(); on your [ Exit ] button event.

12. The rest is up to yourself and your creativity, add colours and so on.
F7 to compile, CTRL + F5 to test, and to finish it up in an EXE, select RELEASE below the "Tools"window and compile.

Hf & Fs & Fsc & Mu & Df Cookies Cheker program

this program is programed by me using c# language

it's function is to check (hotfile & fileserve & megaupload &filesonic &depositfiles )cookies either it is premium or not
his program is programed by me using c# language

it's function is to check (hotfile & fileserve & megaupload &filesonic &depositfiles )cookies either it is premium or not

[Image: 92043980.png]

[Image: 87555372.png]

note :
fileserve (short) :it is the "PHPSESSID"
fileserve (long) :it is the "cookie"

to check a cookies 
1)take cookies copy
2)press "add" or "past from clipboard" to add cookies
3)choose "hotfile" or "fileserve" or"megaupload" or.........
4)press start
5)"start button" will change to "stop" , wait until it change to "start" again and the working cookies will be placed in the textbox (large one)

note :
- you can use "past-start" to skip step 2 & 4
-this program isn't adware or spyware
-file size is 15 Kb only (Very simple program )


Scan Report :

Proxy Servers and Anonymizers

Proxy is a network computer that can serve as an intermediate for connection with other computers. They are usually used for the following purposes:

  • As firewall, a proxy protects the local network from outside access.
  • As IP-addresses multiplexer, a proxy allows to connect a number of computers to Internet when having only one IP-address.
  • Proxy servers can be used (to some extent) to anonymize web surfing.
  • Specialized proxy servers can filter out unwanted content, such as ads or ‘unsuitable’ material.
  • Proxy servers can afford some protection against hacking attacks.
  • Anonymizers are services that help make your own web surfing anonymous.
  • The first anonymizer developed was Anonymizer.com, created in 1997 by Lance Cottrell.
  • An anonymizer removes all the identifying information from a user’s computers while the user surfs the Internet, thereby ensuring the privacy of the user.

C++ Projects

C++ Instructions
C++ works by giving (separate) instructions to the computer. These instructions can be treated as assignments. On this site, such an assignment will be called a function. The primary function used in C++ is called main. To distinguish a function from the other types of things you will be using in your programs, a function's name is followed by an opening and a closing parentheses. For example, the main function will always be written at least as main(). When we perform a better study of functions, we will learn more about functions, their parentheses, and other related issues.

When a program is written and you ask the computer to "execute" it, the first thing to look for is the main() function. This means that every C++ program should have the main() function. Because a function is an assignment, in order to perform its job, a function has a body; this is where the behavior (assignment) of the function would be "described". The body of a function starts with an opening curly bracket "{" and closes with a closing curly bracket "}". Everything in between belongs to, or is part of, the function. Therefore, the main() function can be written as:

main() {}

As we learned that we should (must) always include the libraries that we would need, our program now would include main(). Whenever you create a program, it is important to isolate any inclusion of a library on its own line. Here is an example:

using namespace std;

C++ is the computer language we are going to study to write programs. C++ is a very universal language, it can be used to write programs for Linux, MS Windows, Macintosh, BeOS, Unix, etc. C++ is very powerful and can be used to create other compilers or languages, it can also be used to write an operating system. This means that you can use C++ to create/write your own computer language. You can also use C++ to create/write your own compiler; this means that, using C++, you can create your own implementation of C++, Pascal, Basic, Perl, or any other existing or non-existing language.

There are many products you can use to create a program in C++. Before a program is made available, it is called a project because you are working on it. Although in the beginning you will usually be working alone, most programs involve a lot of people. That is why during the development of a program or software product, it is called a project. Each one of the available environments provides its own technique(s) of creating a C++ program or working on a C++ project. Therefore, the person who, or the company that, made the environment available to you must tell you how to use that environment (it is neither your responsibility, nor the C++ Standard’s job to tell you how to create a program or how to start a project). I will try to cover those that I know.

The programs we will be creating on this site are called console applications. They can also be called Bash programs (especially on Unix/Linux). The technique you follow to create a project depends on the environment you are using.

Executing a Program
To see what your program does, you need to realize that the lines we have typed are English language instructions asking C++ to perform the main() function. Unfortunately, the computer doesn't understand what all of this means (to a certain extent). The computer has its own language known as the machine language. So, we need to translate it in a language the computer can understand. A program was created to that effect and supplied to you with C++. This is what we call a compiler.
In the past, a program used to be created from various parts all over the computer, some of the techniques are still used to "debug" a program to isolate problems or "bugs". Since this is a small program, we will just ask the computer to "execute" it and see the result. Throughout this site, the words (or verbs) "execute" and "run" will be used interchangeably to mean the same thing.
The C++ language doesn't define how to create a project. When you buy or acquire a c++ compiler, its documentation should tell you how to create and execute a project. We describe here how how to create a project in most familiar environments. If you have an environment or compiler that is not in our list, consult its documentation to know how to use it.

One of our most valuable goals in writing a site is to avoid including in a program an issue that has not previously been addressed or explained. This site is written as a (general) reference towards the C++ language. To learn C++, you need a C++ compiler, and we describe how to create a C++ project with some of the most commonly used compilers or programming environments. As it happens, and as you may have noticed, different companies (and different individuals for that matter) choose to implement a language as they see fit.
Depending on the programming environment you are using, even depending on how you create your program (for example KDevelop, Borland C++ Builder, and Microsoft Visual C++ all provide more than one way to create or start a console application), sometimes you have a starting empty file or a file with a few lines. Whatever is in the file, you do not need to delete it. For example, KDevelop displays a commented message in the file. You should not delete that text and it will never interfere with your program. Borland C++ Builder opens a file with a couple of "#pragma" lines. You will never have any reason to delete those lines, although you can, without any risk; but since they do not affect your program, why waste your time deleting them?
Depending on the programming environment you are using and how you create your program, the first file may display a line as #include or another #include line. The file may also have a main() function already included. Here is how we will deal with this issue:
  • If the file displays a line with #include Something, leave it as is. It will not negatively affect your program. Such a file has been tested
  • If the file displays a line with #include , leave it like that and continue with our other instructions
  • If the file is empty or it does not include a line with #include at all, then you will just follow our instructions and type them as given
  • If the file already includes the main() function, with a line like int main(Something), use that main() function for the exercises in this book. Unless stated otherwise, that function is ready for you and don't modify the Something part between the parentheses.
From now on, you will sometimes be asked to create a project. Follow the instructions of your compiler as we have seen above.

Introduction to Header Files

C++ is a huge language so much that it uses various sets of instructions from different parts to do its work. Some of these instructions come in computer files that you simply "put" in your program. These instructions or files are also called libraries. To make your job easier, some of these libraries have already been written for you so that as you include them in your program, you already have a good foundation to continue your construction. Yet, some of these libraries have their limitations, which means you will expand them by writing or including your own libraries.

As noted already, there are libraries previously written for you. One of them asks the computer to receive keyboard strokes from you the user (when you press a key) and another asks the machine (the computer performing some operations) to give back a result. The libraries are files that you place at the beginning of your program as if you were telling the computer to receive its preliminary instructions from another program before expanding on yours. The libraries are (also) called header files and, as computer files, they have the extension ".h". An example would be house.h, or person.h. As you see, they could have any name; when you start creating your own libraries, you will give your files custom and recognizable names.
The first library we will be interested in is called iostream. It asks the computer to display stuff on the monitor's screen.
To see how to put a library in your program, you put it at the beginning of the file. Here is an example:
To use a library in your program, you simply include it by using the word "include" before the name of the library, as follows:
include iostream.h
Since this is a computer language, the computer will follow particular instructions to perform appropriately, which will make this language distinct from the everyday languages. C++ has some words it treats specially and some that will completely depend on you the programmer. For example, the word "include" could be a special word used by C++ or a regular you want to use in your program. In this particular situation, if you want the computer to "know" that the word "include" means, "I want to include the following library", you will have to append a special sign to it. The pound sign "#" will do just that. Therefore, to include a library, you precede the include word with the # sign.
Here is an example:
#include iostream.h
There are usually two kinds of libraries or files you will use in your programs: libraries that came with C++, and those that you write. To include your own library, you would enclose it between double quotes, like this
#include "books.h"
When you include a library that came with C++, you enclose it between < and > as follows:
Following this same technique, you can add as many libraries as you see fit. Before adding a file, you will need to know what that file is and why you need it. This will mostly depend on your application. For example, you can include a library called stdio like this:

Introduction to Namespaces

A namespace is a section of code, delimited and referred to using a specific name. A namespace is created to set apart a portion of code with the goal to reduce, otherwise eliminate, confusion. This is done by giving a common name to that portion of code so that, when referring to it, only entities that are part of that section would be referred to.
Because C++ is so huge, its libraries are created in different namespaces, each with a particular name. To use an existing namespace in your program, you must know its name. To use such a namespace, you can type the using namespace expression followed by the name of the namespace and a semi-colon. For example, to use a namespace called django, you would type:
using namespace django;
One of the namespaces used in C++ is called std. Therefore, to use it, you can type:
using namespace std;
After typing this, any part of the namespace becomes available to you. The iostream library we mentioned above is part of the std namespace. When you use it, you don't need to include the extended of the iostream file. For this reason, you can start your program with:
using namespace std;

Creating and Executing a Dev-C++ 4 Application

Dev-C++ is a free programming environment. To get it, you can download it from http://www.bloodshed.net. If you decide to use it, you should help the developers with a financial contribution.
  1. Start Dev-C++ 4

  2. On the main menu, click File -> New Project...
  3. On the New Project dialog box, click the Project property sheet if necessary.
    Click Console Application

  4. Click OK.
  5. On the subsequent New Project dialog box, type Exercise to change the name of the project:

  6. Click OK. You will be asked to create a location for the project.
  7. Click the Create New Folder button .
  8. Type Exercise1 and press Enter.
  9. Double-click Exercise1 to display it in the Save In combo box:

  10. Click Save.
  11. Because the project has already been saved, it is better to save your C++ files as you go. As it happens, Dev-C++ has already created the first C++ file for you.
    Change the contents of the file as follows:
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    cout << "C++ is Fun!!!";
    return 0;

  12. To save the current C++ file, on the Main toolbar, click the Save button
  13. Type Exo as the name of the file.
  14. Click Save.
  15. To execute the program, on the main menu, click Execute -> Compile

  16. After the program has been compiled, click Execute.
  17. After viewing the program, press Enter to close the DOS window to return to Dev-C++
Borland C++BuilderX

Borland C++BuilderX is a commercial programming environment developed by Borland.
To help programmers, Borland published a free version, called Personal Edition, that you
can download and use for your lessons.
  1. On the main menu of C++BuilderX, click File -> New...
  2. In the Object Gallery dialog box, click New Console

  3. Click OK
  4. In the New Console Application - Step 1 of 3, enter the name of the new application
  5. in the Name edit box. In this case, you can type Exercise1

  6. Click Next

  7. In the New Console Application Wizard - Step 2 of 3, accept all defaults and click Next
  8. In the New Console Application Wizard - Step 3 of 3, click the check box under Create
  9. Click Untitled1 and delete it to replace it with Exercise

  10. Click Finish
  11. In the Project Content frame, double-click Exercise.cpp to display it in the right frame

  12. To execute the application, on the main menu, click Run -> Run Project

Program to Print it’s Own Source Code

Here is a C program to print it’s own source code. That is the output of this program is exactly same as it’s source code. Here’s the program
char *program=”#include<stdio.h>%cchar *program=%c%s%c;%cvoid main()%c{%cprintf(program,10,34,program,34,10, 10,10,10);%c}”; void main()

C Program to Remove Comments and Blank lines from a valid C Program

This program accepts any valid C Program as an input and removes the comments and blanks from it. The output is a program that has no comments and blank lines.
void main()
FILE *a,*b;
char fname[20],ch,tch=NULL,tch1=NULL;
int flag1=0,flag=0,count=0,count1=0,count2=0;
printf(“Enter the file name (.C or .TXT)\n”);
puts(“Cannot open the source file!!!”);
puts(“Cannot create target file!!!”);
if(ch==EOF) break;
else if(ch==’\n’&& count1==1)
else if(ch==’/'&&count==0)
else if(ch==’*'&& flag1==1)
else if(ch==’*'&&flag==1)
else if(ch==’/'&&count2==1)
else if(count==1&&flag==1)
else if(flag1==1)
puts(“DONE!! OP FILE IS \”TARGET.C\”\n”);

Renaming Win XP Start Menu Button

This guide will show you how to edit/rename the Windows XP start menu button. Are you bored of having the name “start”? If so now you can rename your start menu button to give the name of your choice.


1. Launch My Computer, click tools, folder options, then view
2. Select show all hidden files and folders option and uncheck the option hide protected operating system files, unckeck hide extention for known file types
3. Goto C:\windows\system32\restore, select the file filelist.xml, right click it go to properties and uncheck the option read-only
4. Open it (filelist.xml) with notepad
5. Add the line <rec>%systemroot%\explorer.exe</rec> as shown below
<rec> %windir%\system.ini</rec>
<rec> %windir%\tasks\desktop.ini</rec>
<rec> %windir%\win.ini</rec>
<rec> *:\AUTOEXEC.BAT </rec>
<rec> *:\CONFIG.SYS </rec>
6. Save the file
7. Goto C:\windows\system32\dllcache, you will find a backup copy of explorer.exe. Rename it to explorer.bak.


1. Using Resource Hacker, open the file explorer.exe located at C:\windows.
2. Expand string, expand 37, click on 1033
3. On right side raname “start” to anything you want. For ex. “yourname” and press “compile script”
4. Repeat the same procedure for string 38, 1033
5. Save changes in file menu (if error occurs close explorer.exe and repeat sub-step 3 and 4)
6. Restart your computer. After restart you can see the changes. Enjoy!

Modifying the Vista Operating System Boot

You can use several different tricks to shave a few more seconds off the boot time. For example, you can reduce Timeout values and slim down the system to get rid of all the extra features and services that you do not use or need. Check out the following ways to do so.

Windows Boot Manager

If you have more than one operating system installed on your computer, you’ll have to deal with the Windows Boot Manager installed by Windows Vista. By default, the Windows Boot Manager gives you 30 seconds to select an operating system before it reverts to the default operating system. The only way not to wait 30 seconds is to select the operating system you want to use right away. If you use one operating system the majority of your time, you will definitely save time if you set that operating system as the default and lower the Timeout value to 1 or 2 seconds. That way, you will not have to select an operating system every time you turn on your system or wait 30 seconds before your computer actually starts to load the operating system.
Before you make any changes to the Windows Boot Manager (WBM), it is a good idea to back it up using the Boot Configuration Data Editor (bcdedit.exe) so that you can easily revert back to an earlier version should you have any problems. At a command prompt running under an administrator account, type bcdedit /export “C:\Backup File”. This will save the WBM to a file that you can use to import using the /import flag.

Lowering OS Timeout values

As mentioned earlier, if you have multiple operating systems installed on your computer and the Windows Boot Manager is installed, the default selection timeout is often way too high. It is much better to set a lower timeout so that if you do not make a selection, it quickly reverts to the default OS, making your boot time much faster.
Changing the Timeout value is simple with the System Configuration utility. Follow the steps here to use the System Configuration utility to lower the OS Timeout value:
  1. Click the Start button, type msconfig in the Search box, and press Enter.
  2. When the System Configuration utility loads, click the Boot tab.
  3. Locate the Timeout box and replace 30 with a much lower value. I recommend you use between 2 and 5. I use 2 because that gives me just the right amount of time to press a key on my keyboard when the Windows Boot Manager is displayed on the screen.
  4. After the value has been updated, click OK to exit.
Now that the Timeout value has been updated, the Boot menu will no longer increase your system startup time. Even though this is a simple tip, it really helps a lot on systems that have multiple operating systems installed. Now let’s look at setting the default operating system on the Windows Boot Manager.

Setting the default OS

In the preceding section, I set a new Timeout value that will cut down on the amount of time that is wasted before the operating system starts to load. That works great when your primary operating system is the default; but if it is not, you must remember to press a key at the right moment on every single boot. There is a much better way to handle the situation. Just make your primary operating system the default operating system in the Windows Boot Manager. This will allow you to benefit from the lower Timeout value and speed up the overall boot time.
Setting the default operating system is a little more difficult because you need to use the command-line Boot Configuration Editor, bcdedit.exe. The Boot Configuration Editor is part of Windows Vista, but it requires an account with administrative rights to run. Even if you are logged in with an account that has administrator rights but have user account control enabled, by default the tool will not run as administrator. Follow these steps to use the Boot Configuration Editor to set the default operating system:
  1. Click the Start button and navigate through All Programs and Accessories.
  2. Locate the Command Prompt shortcut and right-click it to bring up the context menu.
  3. Select Run as administrator from the context menu.
  4. When the command prompt has loaded, you are ready to use the bcdedit.exe command. First, you need to get the ID of the operating system that you want to set as the default. To do this, type bcdedit /enum all in the open command prompt window. Scroll through the list of different entries and look for the one with the description matching “Microsoft Windows” for Windows Vista.
  5. After you have found the correct entry, note its identifier. That is used in the next step.
  6. While still at the command prompt, run bcdedit /default (entry identifier). For example, I ran bcdedit /default {}.
The default operating system on the Window Boot Manager is now set. The next time you reboot, your changes will be in use.
The Boot Configuration Editor is a powerful utility that you can also use to change many other settings of the Windows Boot Manager. Experiment with bcdedit.exe by running bcdedit /? from command prompt. This will show you all the other available options and flags that you can use with the Boot Configuration Editor.